Onekoura Bach banner

This holiday house in Queen Charlotte Sound, attempts to be dynamic yet unobtrusive in its magical surroundings, responding to the stunning views and wildly varying weather.

The main outdoor space is at the rear, protected from the sea breeze, with a casual entry keeping the simplicity and feel of a holiday house.

The structure was designed to stay within the carpentry trade, due to the location and budget. Timber pole foundations create a large storage area under the main level. The other main materials are cedar shiplap and profiled metal cladding. Water comes from both roof collection and a natural spring on the site and is stored in water tanks on the storage level. All wastewater is treated on-site.

Photos: Rob Duff, Brendon Monk

Get in touch
Onekoura House
Onekoura House
Onekoura House
Sheltered rear deck
Sheltered rear deck
En suite views
En suite views
Onekoura House
Onekoura House
Onekoura House

Professionals used in
Onekoura Bach

About the

MODO Architects operates with the simple overriding desire to produce buildings of poetic beauty and place. We have a responsibility to create buildings that respond to and engage with people and landscape, both visually and sustainably. MODO Architects are skilled in a wide range of architectural design from residential, multi-unit residential, commercial, education, community, interior and landscape.

For us the first and most important stage of the architectural process is to understand and empathize with you, the client. Having an architect that can step into your shoes and see the project from your perspective is essential. We are based in Auckland but spend several days per month in and around Nelson on projects. We are used to working remotely so can take on projects anywhere.