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Onetangi House

Life's a beach! Located across from Onetangi on Waiheke Island this getaway has been created from an existing structure. With levels, look-throughs and beautiful views the spaces draw you in and back out for the best of location and lifestyle.

Nestled in developed planting, the vertical panels stand out beautifully
Handsome dwelling has a bold look yet works well in its surrounds
Corner window opens up flush with the wall to the stunning beachfront view and front yard
Many ways to experience outside and inside flow, spaces can open up and change
Top floor offers a relaxed seating area, private room and ensuite
Void space offers light to below and a fun interaction between spaces
Open flow to the ensuite in the upstairs room
Clean lines in the living room, floating stairs and lines of the railing add a dynamic touch
Apertures across the space look out to trees/ treetops
Concertina window opens up private to social space and expands the room
Feature angled solution for the changing levels between floors of the existing structure and new
More fun look throughs to friends in different parts of the structure

About the

Jessica fell in love with the photography darkroom years ago intrigued by the alchemy of light and silver - a process of patience and curiosity.

After a degree in Architecture she returned to working with images focused toward the built environment and couldn’t be happier. Inspired by the creatives she works among Jessica is spoilt for company and motivated each day.

A proud Canadian Kiwi (Caniwi), she loves a good crisp winter morning with the crunch of fresh snow underfoot and warm adventure filled summers. Travelling between the two countries and much further abroad is a constant delight meeting incredible people and their cultures along the way.

Jessica strives to capture moments of beauty and curious happenings in the hope to share that same instance with a viewer. Her attention is captured by history, architecture, scale and the quiet spaces in-between.

Jessica Chloe Photography
Jessica Chloe Photography
