Pasture of Kirribilli, Sydney - Concecpt


Pasture of Kirribilli, Sydney - Concecpt banner

An Enchanting Oasis of Abundance and Earthiness

At Pasture of Kirribilli, we invite our guests into a captivating interior design concept inspired by the abundant plants and greenery of the countryside. Our aim is to create a welcoming atmosphere that exudes warmth, comfort, and a strong connection to nature.

The focal point of our design is the lush greenery that envelops the space. Hanging plants, potted herbs, and living walls are strategically placed throughout the restaurant, bringing life and freshness to every corner. This verdant backdrop serves as a visual reminder of Pasture's commitment to sourcing sustainable ingredients straight from the land.

To add a touch of uniqueness and visual interest, we incorporate patterns inspired by nature's intricate designs. From botanical motifs on wallpaper to leafy patterns woven into upholstery fabrics, these elements infuse the space with a sense of vitality and organic beauty.

A warm and earthy colour palette forms the foundation of our design. Rich tones of greens, warm browns, and rustic oranges create a cozy and inviting ambiance. Natural textures such as reclaimed wood, exposed brick, and handcrafted ceramics further enhance the connection to the land, evoking a sense of authenticity and grounding.

Comfort is paramount in our dining experience. Plush leather chairs and banquettes invite guests to relax and enjoy their meals. Soft lighting, reminiscent of dappled sunlight filtering through leaves, bathes the space, casting a gentle glow that fosters intimacy and conviviality.

By merging the abundance of plants and greenery, unique patterns, welcoming atmosphere, and rich earthy textures and colours, we transform Pasture of Kirribilli into an enchanting oasis. This design concept harmoniously blends the rustic charm of the countryside with the coastal vibrancy, creating an extraordinary dining experience that celebrates the beauty of nature and the joy of communal dining.

Step into our inviting space, where the sights, textures, and colours evoke a sense of harmony and connection to the land. Let us whisk you away on a sensory journey, where every bite is savoured amidst an atmosphere that feels like a warm embrace from Mother Nature herself.

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Professionals used in
Pasture of Kirribilli, Sydney - Concecpt

About the

Our studio specializes in design for behaviour.

We have done so for almost 30 years and in this time we have learned a tremendous amount about how people behave naturally and instinctively within these social environments. We have learned the hard way that in order to design successful venues, we needed to place predictive human behaviour at the heart of what we do. We capture succinctly how most people behave most of the time in order to design spaces for the most joy and ultimately the most success. This assists us in capturing the spirit of place.