Proposed Plan Change for Beachlands South

By GWE Consulting Engineers

Proposed Plan Change for Beachlands South banner

Client:                     Beachlands South Limited Partnership
Location:               Pine Harbour, Beachlands, Auckland
Project Value:      Undisclosed
Sector:                   Commercial/Industrial, 3 Waters
Completion:         2022


In preparation for significant growth in the population at Beachlands, a review of the existing water treatment plant (600m3/d) was undertaken to assess compliance with the Water Services Act (WSA) 2021 and the requirements to upgrade the plant to meet the needs of the future population.

As part of the treatment plant and water source audit, GWE also provided advice on the requirements for a Water Safety Plan and a Source Water Risk Management Plan.

  • Plant audit focused on plant, equipment and compliance with the WSA 2021 and Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules 2022.
  • Review of Health and Safety Plan.
  • Borehead sanitary assessment against the requirements of the Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules 2022.
  • Review and full update of current operational Water Safety Plan, including Source Water Risk Management Plan.
  • Compilation of summary reports including water quality data analysis, recommendations of plant and equipment upgrades and compliance with the Drinking Water Standards and Aesthetic Values 2022.

Our assessment provided recommendations on compliance with the WSA 2021 and associated rules and standards 2022 including, source water, treatment and distribution.  Further recommendations were provided for additional monitoring and sampling, online instrumentation, and backflow prevention programme in the distribution.


  • Source, treatment and distribution audit and an
  • Review of compliance with Water Services Act 2021, Drinking Water Standards 2022, Aesthetic Values 2022 and Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules 2022.
  • Hazard and Risk Assessment.
  • Improvement Plan including high level costing and plant capacity assessment.
  • Water Safety Planning and associated documentation.
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Proposed Plan Change for Beachlands South

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Proposed Plan Change for Beachlands South

About the

GWE Consulting Engineers is a well regarded, multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy operating throughout New Zealand.

The company provides geotechnical, civil and three waters’ (wastewater, stormwater and potable water) and environmental engineering services to governmental, industrial, commercial, developer and private clients.

We work in close association with leading architectural, surveying and project management firms as part of a larger design team providing thought leadership and innovative designs on major or groundbreaking projects.

GWE Consulting Engineers is committed to collaborating with our clients, design partners and regulators to deliver holistic solutions that endure beyond the life of the project.

Our services are consistent with sustainable practice, modern methods of construction and contemporary environmental objectives and deliver to our clients, economic and practical solutions. To understand more about our work, take a look at our experience