R&B Grillhouse, Al Bateen banner

A Journey through Textured Elegance and Earthy Warmth.

Drawing inspiration from the textured mud walls, unique patterns, and greenery influence of North African architecture, the interior design of R&B Grillhouse transports guests on a captivating journey. Embracing rich earthy textures and colours, our concept creates an inviting and immersive dining experience that harmonizes with the flavours of our cuisine.

​​​​​​Walls adorned with textured finishes reminiscent of the mud walls found in North African architecture, offering a tactile and visually captivating backdrop. Rustic, natural materials such as weathered wood, authentic tiles, and stone add warmth and authenticity to the space. Handcrafted elements, such as intricate tilework and woven textiles, contribute to the unique patterns found in traditional North African design.

Earthy tones dominate the colour palette, featuring warm ochre, burnt sienna, and deep brown hues, reflecting the rich landscapes and desert surroundings. Accents of vibrant jewel tones inspired by North African spices, such as saffron yellow, paprika red, and deep turquoise, add pops of colour and vitality.

Soft, warm lighting with movement in shadows creates an intimate and cosy ambience, evoking the enchanting atmosphere of North African markets and courtyards. The African sky is celebrated down the heart of the dining space. Pendant lights with intricate timberwork, lanterns, and candles provide a mesmerizing play of light and shadow, enhancing the overall sensory experience.

Lush indoor plants and greenery, such as palms, succulents, and aromatic herbs, bring a refreshing touch and a connection to nature.

Comfortable bench seating upholstered in rich, earth-toned leathers, complemented by plush cushions, invites guests to relax and enjoy their dining experience. Handcrafted wooden tables with unique patterns and accents, inspired by traditional North African craftsmanship, add a touch of cultural authenticity. The incorporation of shared tables, with intricate patterns etched into the surfaces, encourages a convivial atmosphere and fosters a sense of community.

Custom wall reliefs with geometric patterns and motifs found in North African design add visual interest and cultural context to the space. Intricately designed details, such as reeded canopies, framed canvases, mirrors, and decorative ovens, contribute to the overall ambience and authenticity.

By combining textured elegance, earthy warmth, and the influence of North African design elements, the interior of R&B Grillhouse becomes a haven of sensory delight. Guests will embark on a culinary adventure, surrounded by the captivating beauty and cultural richness that defines the heart of our concept.

Photography: COOOP by Design Partnership

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R&B Grillhouse, Al Bateen

About the

Our studio specializes in design for behaviour.

We have done so for almost 30 years and in this time we have learned a tremendous amount about how people behave naturally and instinctively within these social environments. We have learned the hard way that in order to design successful venues, we needed to place predictive human behaviour at the heart of what we do. We capture succinctly how most people behave most of the time in order to design spaces for the most joy and ultimately the most success. This assists us in capturing the spirit of place.