Bach living in New Zealand has always presented opportunities to explore alternative ways of occupying a building; the lack of formality, the shift in levels of privacy, the aim of sharing space together. The planning for this family bach overlooking Raglan harbour, pivots around a central covered outdoor area, providing a sheltered but connected space to enjoy the view. The circulation strategy encourages occupants of the bedrooms to remain connected with the view and with each other. The building is cloaked in a metallic shell while the covered exterior spaces are subtracted from the singular form. The topography is carved out to receive the built form, keeping the building anchored to the land and providing habitable platforms.
From urban spaces and workplaces, to private homes and holiday retreats, we believe good design should create an enriching experience that inspires individual and social well-being.
From our studios in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty we offer a comprehensive architectural service, extending from the macro level of master planning to the tactile experience of intimate interior spaces.
Each of our projects is an opportunity to bring together, people, capability and resource, in order to produce the highest outcome. Our design-led and pragmatic approach develops design responses that are thoughtful and beautiful yet grounded in a deep understanding of craftsmanship and technology.
Since Edwards White began in 2005 we have been designing with a deep respect of the environmental context. We believe that early integration of sustainability into conceptual thinking, leads to rich design outcomes that positively shape our environment and our culture. We’re also taking additional steps to improve the way our decisions and operations support a low carbon future, and are committed to the education and implementation of these practices.