Some profiles allow you to choose either a textured or satin finish on the surface of your roof. Both have their merits but a textured stone finish is inclined to look a little more substantial yet visually softer; satin finishes tend to produce a smoothe
Some profiles allow you to choose either a textured or satin finish on the surface of your roof. Both have their merits but a textured stone finish is inclined to look a little more substantial yet visually softer; satin finishes tend to produce a smoothe

Tired Tiles Re-Roof 

Updating your roof will not only increase the lifespan of your home but can also give your home a modern look and significantly increase the saleability of your home.

ANY IDEA HOW OLD YOUR OLD ROOF IS?  Several factors combine to affect roof deterioration ......

These include level of sun exposure, temperature or temperature extremes in the area, inadequate ventilation, foot traffic on the roof as well as exposure to wind, salt spray, snow, ice and rain.

4 Key Signs your roof needs some TLC

1. Damaged Roofline

Check your roofline. If it sags, you may have a long-term leak or structural problem. While up there look for missing shingles, cracked tiles or dented long-run metal sheets, as any of these can result in serious leaks or damage. Changing temperature and proximity to the beach, coupled with high winds, mean roofs are notorious for higher than normal levels of wear and tear. This often means heavier duty products are required in some exposed coastal areas.

2. Interior Damage

If you have access up into your ceiling space, climb up after heavy rain and look for dark water stains on rafters and insulation. Other signs to look for are stains, leaks, moisture on rafters and ceiling or wall damage inside your house.

3. Lichen and Moss

Check for lichen and moss regularly to avoid damage to the surface of your roof. In certain locations, due to humidity or proximity to trees, shrubs or the beach, lichen and moss may grow on your roof. If left unchecked, this may damage the surface coating. Moss can grow on most roofs causing damage to paint or roof coatings. Moss roots can work their way into a roof, causing permanent damage. Lichen grows in damp, shaded areas causing rot and deterioration. To avoid this, trees and shrubs should be trimmed away from house eliminating damp and shady areas. Gutters should always be kept clear to ensure good drainage.

4. Flashing Deterioration

Quite a few apparent roof leaks roofers are called out too, are in fact flashing related. Good, tight flashings around chimneys, vents, skylight and wall/roof joins can prevent water entering a home or building and causing damage to walls, ceilings, insulation and electrical systems


Follow the journery below from a faded to fab metal tile roof.

Faded and failing.
Flashing deteriation is a major cause of leaks
A great comparison shot.
Gerard pressed steel roofing is made up of individual lightweight pressed steel panels secured using a unique fixing system, effectively locking them together forming a single structural unit. Resultig in a roof that’s stylish & copes with severe weat
Dektite flexible flashings are an essential way to flash and seal pipe penetrations through most roof sheet profiles.
Some profiles allow you to choose either a textured or satin finish surface of your roof. Both have their merits but a textured stone finish is inclined to look a little more substantial yet visually softer; satin finishes tend to produce a smoother line.

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Peninsula Roofing & Scaffolding
Peninsula Roofing & Scaffolding

Roofing Contractors