Red Beach House banner

Designed to fit in a coastal context this beachfront home is designed to maximise views yet provide comfortable outdoor spaces that can still be used when the sea breeze makes it's presence felt. The plan surrounds a central north facing pool with bedroom wings clearly defined at each end. The roof form responds dynamically to the sea, while the darker exterior tones with the beachfront Pohutakawa. The coastal tradition of weatherboards is observed with stone anchor points at entry and chimneys either end. A living wall softens the road facade, while louvered elements filter sun and privacy.

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As a dedicated residential practice ARCreate offers a complete architectural service for all new and alteration work. Our focus is providing innovative, functional, quality designs with a commitment to listening and understanding the needs and dreams of our clients. Our extensive local experience ensures our clients' experience smoother resource consent and building consent processes. We have developed excellent relationships with local tradespeople so can also assist with contractor referrals.