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The Regent Park development is the only ‘new build’ project in the WCC Housing Upgrade Project. It is challenged to provide an exemplar of current social housing development. The proposed development replaces 38 bedsit and one-bedroom units housing single and frail individuals, with a mix of housing types to accommodate more people from families, couples and singles and also provides accessible units. The variety of housing types achieves a more integrated fit within the local neighbourhood and assists in merging the development within the physical and social patterns of the local community.

The proposed design provides modern housing that is safe, secure, durable, healthy and affordable. The development optimises density without compromising amenity and as such the site has been designed as an integrated housing development utilising best practice ESD principles.
The site layout, infrastructure and proposed buildings have been carefully considered to respond and acknowledge the underlying landform, natural landscape and existing built patterns to provide a comprehensive sustainable and integrated social housing development. It will positively contribute to the local community and greater built environment within the area.


  • NZIA New Zealand Architecture Award- Housing, 2013
  • NZIA Wellington Architecture Award- Housing, 2012
  • World Architecture News (WAN) Awards Residential- Shortlisted, 2012
  • Winner-Residential Exterior Resene Total Colour Awards, 2012
  • Colour Maestro-Nightingale Award Resene Total Colour Awards, 2012
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott
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Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments
Regent Park Apartments

About the

Designgroup Stapleton Elliott is a design lead practice with a collaborative studio that fosters creative contributions from all our talented staff and specialist consultants we collaborate with.

We specialise in a wide range of work delivering design excellence in projects ranging from urban regeneration, master planning, education, public buildings, commercial buildings, interiors and housing.

We encourage diversity of thinking resulting in design solutions that are creative, intelligent and well considered.

“We focus on achieving the highest levels of design”

We strive to achieve the highest levels of design through researching, questioning and internally reviewing each design to ensure we reach the best possible outcome.

Our work is characterised by strong conceptual clarity and design efficiency resulting in innovative and enduring sustainable outcomes.

DGSE is widely recognised for its award winning architecture which has achieved national and international recognition.