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Over 400 RH Logic chairs were installed to the workspace, making it the primary workstation chair. Its credentials as a comfortable and human centred performance chair made it the natural choice for an environment which is all about providing the best for employees. 88 HÅG Capisco chairs complimented the RH Logic in more versatile work zones, paired with sit-stand desking in areas designed for multiple users throughout the day, utilising its ability to function well with minimal adjustments.

To tie in with the Botanic Gardens which surround the building, green tones were a central theme to the project styling, which included vertical gardens throughout the building and grass-like carpets.

Further naturalistic elements included stone flooring and oak furniture & fittings, adding an aura of gravitas to reflect the profile of the university. The primary colours red, blue and yellow were also used on the furniture, floors and fixtures which not only add colour to the environment, but aid in navigation around the building.

"It’s a triangular shaped house and many of the rooms have sharp angles. We decided to interpret that and take the concept further using geometric shapes in both the furniture and the textiles. At the same time, we knew that it’s difficult to orient yourself when angles aren’t square, as we’re used to. For this reason we used a lot of colour coding in the accent colours across various floors." KRISTIN ÖSTBERG, INDICUM

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