St Michaels Avenue Townhouses banner

Client: Private
Location:                Pt Chevalier, Auckland
Project Value:       Undisclosed
Sector: Residential, 3 Waters
Completion:          2021


GWE was commissioned to provide an infrastructure assessment report and prepare detailed engineering plans for EPA and building consent for the development.

The existing single house site was subdivided into 6 lots.  An existing vehicle crossing was retained and a new driveway was constructed.

Minor earthworks were required to create the building platforms and driveway for the development.  Erosion and Sediment Control Measures were implemented during construction in accordance with Council guidelines.

Peak water demand was assessed for the development, in accordance with Watercare’s Code of Practice.  A new on-site reticulation was designed.  The existing water

connection was used to service Lot 1.  The remaining 5 lots are serviced via a new connection off the council watermain.

A design check was made on the local water network to determine if sufficient flow was available for firefighting in accordance with the NZ Fire Service Code of Practice.

A wastewater network capacity assessment was undertaken to determine if the downstream network had sufficient capacity for flows from the development.  No network upgrades were required.

A stormwater network capacity assessment was carried out which showed the network was under capacity.  A detention tank was installed on-site to detain runoff and throttle the discharge to predevelopment levels.  The TP108 method was used to determine detention and tank sizing.

GWE has also provided construction and project close out services for the development.

GWE Consulting Engineers
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St Michaels Avenue Townhouses

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St Michaels Avenue Townhouses

About the

GWE Consulting Engineers is a well regarded, multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy operating throughout New Zealand.

The company provides geotechnical, civil and three waters’ (wastewater, stormwater and potable water) and environmental engineering services to governmental, industrial, commercial, developer and private clients.

We work in close association with leading architectural, surveying and project management firms as part of a larger design team providing thought leadership and innovative designs on major or groundbreaking projects.

GWE Consulting Engineers is committed to collaborating with our clients, design partners and regulators to deliver holistic solutions that endure beyond the life of the project.

Our services are consistent with sustainable practice, modern methods of construction and contemporary environmental objectives and deliver to our clients, economic and practical solutions. To understand more about our work, take a look at our experience