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St Patrick’s Square

St Patrick’s Square is a special place in Auckland’s city centre – home to St Patrick’s Cathedral and an urban oasis offering respite from the hustle and bustle of life in the city. A full restoration of the Cathedral was completed in 2007. This, combined with a significant CBD Streetscape Upgrade Programme gave Auckland Council the opportunity to significantly enhance the existing Square and complement the newly restored Cathedral.

Boffa Miskell was engaged as lead design consultant under a Partnering Agreement with Auckland City Council and delivered the complete range of project services from Site Analysis to Contract Administration. Extensive engagement and consultation with local residents, businesses and users of the Square resulted in a clear set of overarching project objectives. These included: celebrate the Square’s heritage, religious and cultural significance and its relationship to the Cathedral; retain and enhance the Square as an ‘urban oasis’ where people can relax, meet and socialise; create a safe, comfortable and enjoyable day and night-time environment, and use high-quality materials befitting the unique nature of the place.

Boffa Miskell worked collaboratively with two artists (Steve Woodward and Mary-Louise Brown) to create two distinctive artworks within the Square. Construction works were completed in October 2009. The project was awarded a Gold Award in the Landscape Design Category, and the NZILA George Malcolm Supreme Award at the NZILA Resene Pride of Place Landscape Architecture Awards 2010.

Our role
Landscape architecture
The facts
Client Project team
Auckland Council
John Potter
Worked with    
Steve Woodward and Mary-Louise Brown (artists)
Project date 2009
Awards  George Malcolm Supreme Award, 2010 NZILA Resene Pride of Place Landscape Awards

About the

Boffa Miskell is a leading New Zealand design, environmental, and planning consultancy with offices in Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Queenstown, Dunedin.

We work with a wide range of local and international private and public sector clients in the areas of planning, urban design, landscape architecture, landscape planning, ecology, biosecurity, cultural heritage, graphics and mapping.

Over the past five decades we have built a reputation for professionalism, innovation and excellence. During this time we have been associated with a significant number of projects that have led changes in shaping New Zealand’s environment.

Boffa Miskell
Boffa Miskell

Landscape Architects