In 2015, the Ministry of Education announced the closure of three East Coast schools, Raukokore School, Te Kura o Omaio and Te Whanau a Apanui Area School. The Ministry also announced at the same time, the creation of a new school, Te Kura o te Whanau a Apanui. That’s when DCA Architects of Transformation teamed up with our colleagues at MOAA Architects and won the commission for the new school. Political debate halted any immediate start on the project, and it wasn’t until early 2018 the master planning was started. The design team are also supported by cultural advisors, Rau Hoskin, architect and Dean Whiting, an artist with iwi connections to the area. The resulting design, a collaboration of many stakeholders, tells the story of their history and holds all the aspirations of the people of Te Whanau a Apanui to create a unique school for their future generations.
DCA Architects is an established design practice across 4 offices in Rotorua, Hawkes Bay, Auckland and Nelson - operating since 1996. Our projects cover the length of NZ working with our regional communities.
Completed works include a wide variety, demonstrating our adaptability and ability to listen, research and analyse. Delivering projects of relevance, function, culturally, and environmentally sensitive - regardless of building typology. DCA has a varied market share of architecture services; in the education sector; commercial; industrial; civic and residential sectors.
DCA Architects are a non-corporate, next-door neighbour friendly group of creatives. International design experience and a vision to see past our clients means we understand that our projects can impact and change the lives of many. We welcome the opportunity to partner and collaborate with the people anywhere in the world to create transformational projects that improve people’s lives - now and in the future.