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Te Tohu

He Tohu is a permanent exhibition in the National Library and is home to the three most iconic, important and treasured constitutional documents that shape Aotearoa New Zealand. 1835 He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni – Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand, 1840 Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Treaty of Waitangi and the 1893 Women’s Suffrage Petition – Te Petihana Whakamana Pōti Wahine.

In March of 2016, Greenmount Espies were approached to be part of an audacious and exciting project due to our specialist capability . Over 8 months, some 480 laminated blocks made completely from reclaimed Rimu were individually carved on our 5-Axis Chronos CNC machine. Together, the Rimu blocks form an impressive cave-like space with each block carefully and accurately shaped to perfectly flow into the next.

  • Site Feasibility Analysis
  • Construction Drawings for Manufacture
  • Cost Management
  • Project Management
  • Fabrication, Production, Construction and Installation

About the

Interior solutions for an evolving world.

Working alongside architects, designers and construction companies, we enhance spaces with creative solutions.

Yes, we’re creative folks who keep up with the latest innovations to create breathtaking interiors, but we know that every room is far more than just a space.

Effective interiors suit the purpose of the space to the letter. We consider aesthetics as well as the mood and energy you want to achieve in your physical environment.

Greenmount Interiors
Greenmount Interiors

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