The Meat & Wine Co, Adelaide - Concept


The Meat & Wine Co, Adelaide - Concept banner

The Meat & Wine Co draws inspiration from African traditions and the unique Australian surroundings to create a one-of-a-kind dining experience. Each location features its own interpretation of a Boma, an enclosure for people and livestock that serves as a gathering place for storytelling and community. The Bomas are private or semi-private dining areas for larger groups, and they are designed differently at each restaurant.

The design team was inspired by the art of traditional rope making and used hand-woven rope to frame, divide, and anchor all the spaces within the restaurant and construct the Bomas. Working in heritage structures adds to the charm and history of each location, making them irreplaceable and unique. The challenges posed by each location inspire the team to find solutions that are respectful and fitting, adding to the nostalgia and sense of belonging of these spaces.

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Professionals used in
The Meat & Wine Co, Adelaide - Concept

About the

Our studio specializes in design for behaviour.

We have done so for almost 30 years and in this time we have learned a tremendous amount about how people behave naturally and instinctively within these social environments. We have learned the hard way that in order to design successful venues, we needed to place predictive human behaviour at the heart of what we do. We capture succinctly how most people behave most of the time in order to design spaces for the most joy and ultimately the most success. This assists us in capturing the spirit of place.