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Three Gables

This family home is situated between a busy street and a popular park bordering the Waikato River.  From the eastern road frontage, the site slopes down toward the western park adjoining boundary at the rear.  On either side the building envelope is hemmed in and overlooked by the nearby neighbours. In response to the constrained building envelope and its lively context, careful site analysis and design has enabled the building to maintain important thresholds for privacy while generating an openness towards the view and neighbourly interaction with park users.

From the street very few signs of habitation are detectable.  Three interlocking gables forms run longitudinally, rising toward the centre of the site. Thoughtfully placed walls provide privacy while serving as an acoustic barrier to reduce road noise.  From the park the house reveals a different aspect to its character. Larger expanses of glass lead onto an elevated deck and a sheltered outdoor entertainment area and open the living spaces out towards the public green space. The ground floor level is raised to allow occupants to look over the boundary fence and take advantage of expansive park views while enjoying the notion of a protected position that elevation affords.  Sliding external screens with adjustable louvres allow the house to respond to changing seasons and the need for varying levels of privacy.

Edwards White Architects
Edwards White Architects
