In 1861, Pita Te Hori, the first Upoko of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tūāhuriri, holder of mana whenua over what is now Ōtautahi Christchurch, instructed his successors to:
Kia atawhai ki te tangata (Care for the People)
This core value has guided the development of Victoria Square, a place of special significance for Ngāi Tūāhuriri; a central meeting space and a key mahinga kai resource amongst the waterways feeding into the Ōtākaro Avon River.
Following colonial settlement, the site became ‘Market Square’, a trading space for Ngāi Tahu and Pākeha settlers. As the colonial population grew, Māori were increasingly distanced, as evidenced by statues of Queen Victoria and James Cook and the name change to Victoria Square.
After significant damage by the 2010–2011 earthquakes, community engagement was undertaken to determine the direction of the square’s restoration. Feedback supported retaining the existing character, along with greater recognition of our all-but-invisible shared cultural history.
A partnership between Government and Iwi recognized under Te Tiriti o Waitangi informed the underlying narrative. The design was developed collaboratively between central and local government, mana whenua, the design team, artists and a community.
Ngāi Tūāhuriri provided input into all stages of the process. Their influence is felt throughout the square’s design, and visible through integrated artworks and interventions conceived and delivered by Ngāi Tahu artists, including:
Ngā Whāriki
Part of the city-wide series, three woven mats greet visitors with stories of people and place (Mahinga Kai, Tai Waiora and Ngā Pou Riri e Iwa; the nine tall trees of the Ngāi Tahu claim).
Literary Trail Pieces / Pepeha
An extract from Kemps Deed (1848) addresses Queen Victoria, reflecting the whakatauki that underpins Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu:
Ko ō mātou kāinga nohoanga,
ko ā mātou mahinga kai,
me waiho mārie mō ā mātou tamariki,
mō muri iho i a mātou.
The Deal (Fiona Farrell, 2015), references early interaction between Ngāi Tahu and settlers:
In the Market Place
They traded leaves for a song,
Solid ground for a fistful of water.
Mana Motuhake
Mana Motuhake (Fayne Robinson, 2019) acknowledges Ngāi Tūāhuriri standing in this place while flanking Queen Victoria in support.
Parerau (Jennifer Rendell, 2018) acknowledges the co-existence of Ngāi Tahu and Pakeha history, brought together by the natural environment.
Kanakana Table
A new place for sharing kai adjacent to the tauranga waka, Te Ahi Kaa and a significant Tī Kouka. The table (Keri Whaitiri) features a kanakana (southern lamprey) and integrates a karakia mō te kai (blessing for food).
Te Ahi Kaa
With the blessing of master carver, Riki Manuel, the 6m high totara poupou created for the 1990 Treaty commemorations has been fully restored and provided a more appropriate setting.
More than an exercise in dropping ‘cultural art’ into a European square, we sought a collective expression of who we are in Ōtautahi Christchurch, through thoughtful spatial design, materiality and meaning. Victoria Square epitomizes collaboration through mutual trust, respect and understanding; working kanohi ki te kanohi, pakahiwi ki te pakahiwi (face-to-face and shoulder-to-shoulder).
Project team
Worked with
Boffa Miskell is a leading New Zealand design, environmental, and planning consultancy with offices in Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Queenstown, Dunedin.
We work with a wide range of local and international private and public sector clients in the areas of planning, urban design, landscape architecture, landscape planning, ecology, biosecurity, cultural heritage, graphics and mapping.
Over the past five decades we have built a reputation for professionalism, innovation and excellence. During this time we have been associated with a significant number of projects that have led changes in shaping New Zealand’s environment.