The brief for this new build project in the Wai-iti area was to create an attractive garden that enhanced the home and living environment. As the garden establishes hedges and trees will create a greater sense of privacy within the large lawn and tiling outdoor seating spaces. Exposed aggregate concrete paths connect the living areas and through to the orchard, utility areas and front entrance. Plants were selected for suitability to Marlborough’s climate and lower maintenance requirements and include Stachys lanata, Pittosporum ‘Golf Ball’, Oenothera, Lonicera, Carex testacea, Ligularia and Prunus lusitanica hedges. Ornamental Pear and fruit trees provide height through the back garden area.
We are a bespoke landscape architecture and garden design consultancy focused on creating stylish, comfortable living environments in New Zealand and abroad. We offer a full landscape design service from concept to detailed design and project management.
We help clients to create beautiful spaces for their lifestyles. Our work takes us throughout New Zealand and abroad, allowing us to continually take inspiration from the landscape and places we go.
The Noble Fox team, led by Louise Dunning Morrow (Registered Landscape Architect), has significant experience in the design of high quality Landscape Architecture projects for both commercial and residential spaces. We work autonomously or collaborate with other project consultants to produce robust design outcomes for our clients, with a strong knowledge of the construction and maintenance requirements to ensure they continue to look good. All projects reflect our Client’s emphasis on great design and an honest expression of the country and culture where they are located.
We have strong relationships with specialist subconsultants to draw on as required. Our projects have several constants – the requirement to produce a quality design, reflecting the client and local character, within programme and budget.