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Waikato Valley Chocolates





Waikato Valley Chocolates had outgrown their factory in Hamilton’s Borman Road when they approached Apollo Projects to design and build a new food processing facility.

The 2,000m² production area includes several distinct zones including ingredients melting and standardisation, product forming and cooling, and packing as well as panning which involves the process of coating various ingredients with chocolate. Between the spaces there are significant temperature differentials, which must be managed from a building insulation perspective. Internal Kingspan insulated panels are used extensively, providing excellent insulation characteristics along with high quality food grade hygiene finishes on all surfaces.

Product storage was a key factor, as production centres around traditional chocolate periods of Christmas and Easter. Apollo developed several scenarios for its client to consider in terms of optimal warehouse size, configuration and expandability. The new 1,200m² finished goods warehouse utilises post-tensioned concrete slabs for increased durability and insulated panel cladding to provide maximum thermal insulation.

The site, building orientation and external yard have all been arranged to provide ample shaded canopy areas at all times of the day for product staging during loading which is specific to operation. A public factory outlet shop is included in the office facility, along with well-appointed open plan office facilities. Staff facilities provide a secure, comfortable space reflecting the needs of the various shifts worked by the 60 staff.

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Professionals used in
Waikato Valley Chocolates

About the

We are a nationwide Design and Build company with specialist knowledge and experience across verticals as diverse as cold storage, dairy, wine, food and beverage processing, commercial and retail spaces, and recreation and leisure.

Whatever the project, our focus is simple - listen to our client and deliver absolute trust and certainty from the start.

At Apollo, we've never been afraid to challenge the status quo.

When Craig Waghorn and Paul Lloyd started Apollo in 2001, they were determined to break away from the traditional management process and do things differently. They saw an opportunity to partner with clients from the very start, taking their ideas right from concept all the way through to completion – something that was poorly executed in the industry!

Today, Apollo is a leading New Zealand design and construction company with over 40 professional project delivery and support staff across the country. We regularly work with major national companies including Fonterra, Goodman Fielder, George Weston Foods, Ngai Tahu and Lion Co., as well as private owner-operated businesses, sports organisations and Government/Council entities.

Even though Apollo has grown over eighteen years, we’ve never lost our core value that a ‘client’s trust is everything’. Apollo is different simply because we operate as a partner with our clients – our goal from the very beginning has always been to build strong relationships from which we can deliver successful projects.