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Waipu Cove

Three cedar boxes – main zone, guest zone, and utility zone – are arranged around a generous courtyard, which looks across the main living pavilion to the hovering decks and iconic east coast landscape beyond. The staggering of floor levels provided by these separated forms allows the home to spill down the site and remain ‘on the land’.

This architectural ‘compound’ offers a variety of outdoor spaces available for occupation in response to ever - changing weather conditions.

About the

The design philosophy of Hoxha Bailey Architects is founded on values of regional modernism. Our projects are strongly driven by a contextual response to topography, climate, views, and the concept of prospect and refuge. Underpinning every project is our commitment to a rigorously resolved and efficient floor plan, and a considerate use of space and materials.

Hoxha Bailey Architects
Hoxha Bailey Architects
