Higham Architecture
Higham Architecture

Wedge House

Founded on a small, unusual-shaped section, this contemporary home presents a true reflection of client needs vs site constraints. The design conceived in two wings. The skewed “service” wing is clad in dark-stained cedar weatherboards and is generally flat-roofed, contrasting the pitched roof and white plaster finish of the “living” wing. The entry is central, balancing the forms either side.

Plenty of natural light, high ceilings (in selected areas) and white/light colours throughout helped achieve a real sense of space within the limited building footprint permissible.

The usually banal domestic hallway became a light-filled, wedge-shaped gallery space for the clients’ extensive artwork collection, while a timber door with double-glazed panels gives views into the much-desired, super-insulated and climate-controlled wine cellar.

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Higham Architecture
Higham Architecture

Architectural Designers