By Pak Design
At pak design we love nothing more than to design stuff! By stuff we mean, houses, big ones and not so big ones, commercial buildings, large and small, cowsheds, renovations, nothing is too daunting, industrial buildings, detail drawings. in fact pretty much anything and everything – AND we are pretty damn good at it too.
In no way is the title “Senior” a reflection on Matt’s age, but totally all about his ability. Always working on a plan for a residential, commercial or industrial project, cowshed, silage pit, or additional detailing on a customer renovation project, Matt is more than usually found out the back of the office, sitting on his VERY uncomfortable chair (which he has formed quite an attachment to) with his earphones on, dancing on the inside (not on the outside thank goodness), and working exceptionally hard to meet very tight deadlines.
Matt would love the opportunity to meet you at your place to go over your requirements. Email him today,