Applications for 2021 Responsible Wood Community Grants have now closed

30 November 2021


2 min read

18 community groups have lodged applications for the 2021 Community Grants Program. Responsible Wood has been overwhelmed by the response of community, with applications received by community groups connected to Responsible Wood-certified forests across Australia. This is the program’s second year, following the successful 2020/21 program where six community groups…

18 community groups have lodged applications for the 2021 Community Grants Program.

Responsible Wood has been overwhelmed by the response of community, with applications received by community groups connected to Responsible Wood-certified forests across Australia.

This is the program’s second year, following the successful 2020/21 program where six community groups were provided to communities in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

The aim of the program is to support local communities develop, design and implement small community-based projects in their local area in conjunction with their local Responsible Wood certified forestry company.

Acknowledging the contribution of all applicants, Responsible Wood Project Manager for Community Grants, Megan Graham, reflected on the quality of applications.

“This being the second year that we have run the grant, we are amazed by the number, quality, and creativity of applications from across Australia.”

“Significantly, we have received applicants from communities connected to Responsible Wood-certified forests in Tasmania and Western Australia in addition to South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland,” Ms Graham said.

Applications will be assessed by an expert panel including Dr Hans Drielsma, Chair of Responsible Wood, David Rowlinson, ‘Make It Wood’ Campaign Manager for Planet Ark and Lou Cotts, External Relations Manager for HVP Plantations.

An announcement of successful applicants is expected to be made in December 2021 with projects to be completed by the end of May 2021.

For more information please visit the Responsible Wood Community Grants webpage and direct all enquiries to