I work with many builders, many great builders in fact, and never have I seen so many feeling deflated and burnt out as right now. The last couple of years have put unimaginable strains on our construction industry, taking its toll. The Urban Developer recently published, 'At least half of Australia's building companies are trading insolvent, teetering on the brink of collapse and the construction industry's troubles are about to get a whole lot worse'.
I can't help but think that much of the stress builders are experiencing is caused by actual industry factors and much by devastating media predictions such as this.
I work with many builders, many great builders in fact, and never have I seen so many feeling deflated and burnt out as right now. The last couple of years have put unimaginable strains on our construction industry, taking its toll. The Urban Developer recently published, 'At least half of Australia's building companies are trading insolvent, teetering on the brink of collapse and the construction industry's troubles are about to get a whole lot worse'.
I can't help but think that much of the stress builders are experiencing is caused by actual industry factors and much by devastating media predictions such as this.