How much does a lamp cost? A breakdown

14 September 2022


5 min read

The right lamp can be the difference between a cold, uninviting room to a cosy environment you want to spend time in. Their styling and functionality make them a tremendous asset but lamp prices can vary widely making it hard to know what represents good value for money. So how much does a lamp cost and what should you look out for before making a final purchase?

The cost of a lamp can be influenced by a number of factors. The type of lamp is hugely important as well as the style, size, features, materials and types of lightbulbs used and the reputation of the manufacturer. Understanding each of these factors can help give you a better idea of what a lamp might cost meaning you can narrow down your choices based on the amount you want to spend.

Lamp prices based on type

Lamps are primarily all used task lighting. They are regularly found in the office, study, living room, bedrooms - even in the kitchen for chopping and cooking. However, within this there are different types of lamps which broadly fit across three categories. Each are available at different price points and depending on your budget, some will likely be more appropriate than others.

Related article: How to choose a lamp that’s perfect for you

Table lamps

If there is one place you want to create the right ambience, it is in the bedroom.

Warm light emanating from the bedside table will help you wind down at the end of a stressful day. The right bedside lamps will make your bedroom a cosy oasis from the rest of the world.

Table lamps are also used in an entryway, beside a couch, or on a bookshelf. There is no limit to the places you can add a touch of extra lighting.

A simple but stylish table lamp will set you back around $100. However, if you want a higher quality material for your lampshade or a special design for the lamp holder, you can expect to pay double that.

For high-end brands, you’ll likely start at pricing over $500. This will get you a base made of granite or even coral. You could even get a hand-painted ceramic or a beachy rattan-style light at this price point which for many is well worth the investment.

Desk lamps

Whether you are working late into the night or need a bit more brightness during the day, a desk lamp can improve your work experience.

The right lighting can even impact your mood and productivity.

Nowadays, you can get desk lamps that work with motion sensors or charge wirelessly.

The classic desk lamp has a bendable arm that you can use to adjust the light. A simple version made of basic materials can cost $50 or even less.

A standard desk lamp with a sleek, modern design will cost an average of $100 to $150.

If you are looking for a classic stained-glass, original Tiffany desk lamp for the study of your dreams, you’ll have to be prepared to part with thousands of dollars. As a matter of fact, the highest amount paid for an original Tiffany lamp was into the millions of dollars.

Related article: The best lamp placements - tips to follow

Floor lamps

A tall, beautifully designed floor lamp can transform a space. It can be an art piece on its own. It is easy to install and versatile, as you can move it around as you wish.

There are hundreds of different types of floor lamps and uses for them. You can buy a floor lamp to give off cosy light in a reading nook or place it elsewhere in a room to give the illusion of space.

You can use it on its own or have it complement other light forms in the room.

Some features that can impact your floor lamp price are:

  • Dimmer switches
  • Size of the lamp
  • Materials used
  • Motion sensors

Being larger, floor lamps tend to be more expensive than other types of lamps.

A simple floor lamp with no bells and whistles could cost about $100.

A more trendy tripod floor lamp or arc lamp can be found for around $200+. Some floor lamps have multiple lights on one branch increasing the starting price.

There is no limit when it comes to designer and luxury brands that use more expensive materials and don't shirk when it comes to quality. You can easily pay anything from $1,000 to over $5,000+ for a modern floor lamp of this type, many of which will be packed with some of the features described above.

Cost of light bulbs

A vital consideration when buying lamps is how this will impact your electricity bills. Leaving a light bulb running hours per day can quickly become expensive.

LED bulbs are more energy-efficient, reducing your cost to run your lamps. They will also last up to 100,000 hours. LED light bulbs are more expensive than traditional incandescent light bulbs at around $10 (versus $3) per bulb. However, in the long run, they will save you on energy costs.

Related article: LED lights - the definitive guide

A lamp price to suit your design budget

As you can see, there is a wide range of products and prices when it comes to lamps on the market in Australia. As a general rule, desk and table lamps tend to be more affordable than floor lamps based on size but factors like material and brand can also make a big difference. The good news is that there is something to suit everyone’s budget which means no one will miss out if they really want one.