How to use tiles to create a Mediterranean interior scheme with wabi-sabi influences

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13 March 2023


3 min read

A design-savvy homeowner reveals how she created a beautiful home that reflects both her family and personal style by using custom products from Tiles of Ezra.

This family home located in Newcastle, NSW, has been lovingly renovated by the homeowner, Amy James, whose entire design vision was inspired by the EZR0200 custom mosaic tile from Tiles of Ezra. Although it was framed and listed as art on the Tiles of Ezra website at the time, Amy knew she absolutely needed the tile in her home. “It was actually a bit of a bone of contention between my husband and me; he leaned towards something more classic and softer, but I won that argument in the end!” says Amy.

Read now: Entering the world of Georgia Ezra

Design inspiration

Amy’s husband is Greek and, after travelling to Greece a few times to visit family, the couple fell in love with Mediterranean-style homes and the wabi-sabi nature of the materials they feature. Amy wanted to create a real, honest and inviting home, a place where those who enter immediately feel as though they belong, and the EZR0200 custom mosaic tile was key to achieving this goal. “I fell in love with the wabi-sabi nature and texture of the Tiles of Ezra tiles, other brands just didn't have the same 'something special' about them up close.”

Creative application

“The EZR0200 custom mosaic tile now appears in the entryway of our house and definitely supplies the wow factor I was after,” says Amy. “For the powder room, I chose floor-to-ceiling classic EZR1010 in the same ‘rust’ hue as features in the mosaic tiles for maximum moodiness. The kitchen and laundry splashbacks I kept simple to let the entryway and gorgeous kitchen stone bench shine.” The interior colour palette has also been influenced by the hero tile.

Explore the Tiles of Ezra range on ArchiPro.

End result

While Amy has completed small home renovations in the past, they were always simple and budget-conscious, with an end goal of flipping the property for profit. However, this coastal abode, completed with help from SHAC Architects, was destined to become a forever home for the family of six, and became Amy’s first foray into real, large-scale home renovation. “The original plan for the renovation was much smaller than what we ended up achieving. As is often the case with old homes, the project snowballed and many of our decisions were made on the fly,” says Amy. “I actually love that! It made me really tune into my gut feelings for the choices I was making.”

See more beautiful projects featuring Tiles of Ezra on ArchiPro.