Living a life of style with Kate Nixon

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31 January 2023


4 min read

Australian designer, stylist and interiors expert Kate Nixon shares how she built her eponymous brand and found work-life balance as a working mother.

Kate Nixon inherited a love of design from her parents. Growing up, she remembers playing with wood shavings from the workroom floor of her parents’ furniture atelier, Boucher & Co, and being drawn towards their library of architecture, interior design and landscape books. “I sketched still-life compositions of flower arrangements from our garden and painted my childhood bedroom ‘Linen Green’!” adds Kate.

Surprisingly, medicine was Kate’s first choice when it came to pursuing higher education at Monash University, but she deferred her study to take on a management role at a local biscuit factory. “Over the next three years, the company grew exponentially and I learnt critical lessons in revenue, profit and cash flow,” says Kate. During this time, Kate met and married her husband and moved to Sydney, where a fortuitous meeting shaped her future.

A series of fortunate events

“While hosting his colleagues for a dinner party, I was introduced to the editor of Australian House and Garden magazine who invited me to style food features. Food styling led to interiors styling, then to the role of houses editor, followed by interiors editor with regular cameos on Sky News,” says Kate.

While taking a well-earned break from her whirlwind success in Tuscany, Kate discovered Busatti, an Italian fabric house dating back eight generations that she instantly adored. “I signed a contract to distribute them exclusively in Australia and opened our first store in 2007 with fabrics and soft furnishings,” says Kate. “Custom curtains and upholstery led to decorating and design services as our team of talent grew.”

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Growing the business

Kate’s path to becoming an interior designer and founder of her eponymous business has been an organic one. “My path to interior design has been an organic progression from food and interior styling to homewares store and made-to-measure soft furnishings to full-service interior design,” says Kate, who describes herself as a shopkeeper and homemaker passionate about interiors and creating everyday joy.

Success isn’t achieved without overcoming challenges, and for Kate, this involved proactively seeking out her own weaknesses to ensure the strength of her business. “Growing pains are real, tear-inducing even,” says Kate. “But the key is practising discipline to implement and follow processes so that our clients, colleagues and company can thrive.” Another hurdle Kate had to jump was trying to find a work-life balance as a working mother.

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“I love Cindy Crawford’s quote, ‘you can have it all, just not all at once’. I try really hard to be present, to give 100% focus and attention to whatever is at hand with no regrets. I love my family and I love my work. I am endlessly inspired and challenged by my family,” says Kate. “I have the most incredible partner who devotes so much of his time to our family and friends. We are a team and our beautiful kids are on the front bench subbing in for shoots and installs!”

Signature style

Kate’s interior style is known for being warm, inviting and comfortable - yet elegant and tactile. While every project Kate undertakes receives a bespoke design solution, every outcome shares a few commonalities; natural materials, earthy tones, texture and an aspirational balance of old and new, high and low – and her hard work has paid off. 

Kate’s home was recently published in Architectural Digest and she has a product collaboration due out in 2023, but Kate says the most fulfilling aspect of her role is “growing a team of like-minded, value-aligned, clever, creative people and the privilege of making a difference in their lives and the lives of our beautiful clients, partners and suppliers”.

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Kate says her parents shaped the designer she is today, and explains that they ingrained a love of natural materials, craftsmanship with an entrepreneurial spirit, and a ‘never give up’ work ethic within her. “I believe in layered interiors and attention to detail; in the beauty of gathered pieces found with love; I believe in food, music, family and friends – I believe in home,” says Kate.

Explore Kate's beautiful projects on ArchiPro.