Waterproof isn't leakproof: how to prevent your shower from leaking

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14 June 2022


3 min read

A leaking shower can lead to a plethora of aesthetic, health and structural issues. Here's how to prevent it from occurring.

Washing the day away with a soothing shower is one of life’s more relaxing experiences. On the flip side, coming home to wet floors and grubby grout sits firmly in the stressful category, with water damage as a result of a leaking shower leading to issues such as mould and mildew, unseemly smells, and structural and electrical damage.

While a waterproof bath and shower area is typically considered a bathroom essential, waterproof doesn’t always translate to leakproof – leading to costly home repairs.

DensShield® Tile Backer by Wet Area Solutions

What causes shower leaks?

Although some shower leaks can be attributed to poor workmanship during the shower installation process, the majority are due to flaws in the design of the shower itself, in particular, the incorporation of porous materials when sealing the shower screen to the tiles.

According to Paul Muller of Wet Area Solutions, shower leaks are often caused by water penetrating grout or caulking in tiles. “Once moisture gets through this surface and the backing board or base isn’t completely waterproofed, this can lead to water damage and high costs later on down the track,” Paul explains. “Some of the common signs a shower is leaking are mould, bubbly peeling paint on walls, and a damp, mouldy, musty smell.”

There are several consequences associated with leaking showers, with Paul citing health problems as a result of mould and the cost of repairing cracked tiles, peeling wall paint, and even a complete renovation as likely issues.

Solid Surface Shower Base by Wet Area Solutions
Solid Surface Shower Base by Wet Area Solutions

Designing a leakproof shower

The key to designing a leakproof shower space lies in ensuring the area is completely water-sealed. Traditional tiling uses joins such as sealant, grout or caulking, which can fail and cause water seepage and subsequent water damage. Proposing a savvy solution to typical materials, the Wet Area Solutions team tiles backer boards with tile trays or solid-surface shower bases to prevent leaks from occurring. As each system is comprised of a single piece and devoid of joins, they ensure a leakproof fit.

Taking on a sophisticated, contemporary tone, the Solid Surface Shower Bases combine durability with minimalist style. Natural minerals, pigments, and acrylic resins combine to create a non-porous material that prevents bacteria from penetrating, making it resistant to mould and mildew. A gently sloped surface ensures proper drainage, preventing dampness in the floors and walls.

Tile-Over Shower Tray by Wet Area Solutions
Tile-Over Shower Tray by Wet Area Solutions

For those who enjoy the classic aesthetic of tiles, the Tile Over Shower Tray poses the ideal solution. Both waterproof and leakproof thanks to a unique flashing design, the Tile Over Shower Trays are crafted from a single piece of metal and are invisible once installed. Available in both custom and standard sizes, the trays are easy to install with simplified plumbing connections.

For additional security, the DensShield Tile Backer is designed to prevent damage to the wall cavity or sub-floor, should any water seep through tile joins. Equipped with an in-built moisture barrier, it eliminates the need to apply an additional waterproofing membrane or sealant.

Hassle-free installation

While Wet Area Solutions’ range of shower and backing systems are the ideal way to leakproof showers in new builds or bathroom renovations, they can also be installed during minor bathroom or shower updates, with only the existing shower or bath, tiles and backing board needing to be removed and replaced.

To eliminate the risk of leaking showers and bathrooms, explore the Wet Area Solutions range and get in touch with the team by visiting their ArchiPro profile.