Normally, decks or boardwalks do not need a building consent if you cant fall more than 1.5 metres from it.  However a safety barrier is required if there is a fall of 1 metre or more.  It is recommended to confirm with your local council to ensure your proposed deck does not have any district planning implications such as site coverage etc.

As a first step we recommend you measure and mark the location of the decking in your garden. This will enable you to more easily visualise the decking, how it will be used, and the impact it has on the surroundings. It is also useful to think about the type of furniture and other items you want to place upon the deck so that it is not too small, or difficult to manoeuvre around.

If you are building over a lawn it is a good idea to cover this with a landscaping fabric followed by gravel to prevent the grass and weeds from poking up through the slats of the deck! The deck joists need to be anchored into the ground.. This is ideally suited to the versatile ground screw rather than the older, heavier concrete piers or posts. Stop Digging’s installer will arrive at your home with all of the necessary equipment and will sink the beam screws according to your plan. Then, without delay, it’s time to start building!

We recommend using the span tables from NZ 3604 to determine the size and length of the bearers and joists used for construction of your deck.  You will need to ensure you use H3.2 treated framing timber.  We install the groundscrews to a laser level datum along the bearer lines, leaving you with the simple task of lifting the bearers into position and attaching to the groundscrews with coach screws or bolts! When the bearers and joists are in position, the fun begins with the fixing of the deck boards!

  • Category
    Decking Screws, Ground Screws
Scope of use

The STOPDIGGING! Ground Screw Foundation System is an alternative to piles and foundation walls as defined in NZS 3604:2011, or for use in other foundations by specific engineering design.

The STOPDIGGING GroundScrew system is certified with CodeMark, the highest form of product assurance available in NZ.

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About the

Groundscrews allow installation of a pile foundation in a fraction of the time it takes with other piling methods.

How do you use our Groundscrews?  

Our CodeMark certification allows a simple design process for building consent.

They are an anchor pile to NZ3604. Standard subfloor design is all that is required. For projects outside of 3604, we have multiple design options for cantilever piles, and spot footings with load bearing capacity up to around 150kN, and larger by special order.

We provide a full specification and installation service, including site specific static pile testing, reports and CodeMark declaration for Building Consent.

For large scale developments, small one off houses and decks, or civil engineering projects, especially in areas with sensitive environmental considerations or limited access, the use of StopDigging! groundscrews will massively impact your construction timeline - for the better:

No spoil / mess to clear up.

No excavation inspections.

No weather delays.

Zero construction waste for foundations.

Lower carbon footprint than concrete.

Contact us for project specific information and advice!