Any image becomes a featured art piece with Printed DesignerPly.

Keep the beauty, durability and sustainability of plywood with the added dimension of a high resolution print of your choice. Perfect for a feature wall or impactful artwork. Pick your print and opacity for a truly unique decorative solution.

  • Category
    Wall Panels & Cladding , Suspended Ceiling, Timber
  • Images need to be supplied in print quality at a minimum 300 DPI and maximum of 1440 DPI.
  • File types required for printing are: TIFF, JPEG, EPS.
  • DesignerPly, DesignerVeneer and even MDF are all suitable products to print on.
  • You can also print on light colours of our acoustic pinboard range.
  • Printing can be done on prefinished DesignerPly with powder coating, or printed panels can be powder coated after completion (additional charges and lead times apply).
  • Abrasive cleaning products should be avoided as this will affect the printed image. Use a normal damp cloth for cleaning panels.
  • Printed image can cover all or part of a sheet, or set out across multiple sheets.
Scope of use
  • Available on your choice of plywood substrate.
  • Colour or Black UV Cured Print.
  • High resolution images or text to be supplied.
  • Print can cover entire, portion of, or across multiple sheets.
  • Top finishing can be applied to printed surface including powder coated and wet coating.
Get in touch
Thanks for reaching out to ForestOne! Although we do not sell direct to public, we are happy to assist and make recommendations on experienced joiners and certified fabricators. Alternatively, we can locate your closest hardware store to purchase from.
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About the

ForestOne is Australia's largest independent distributor of plywood, timber, laminate and decorative surface materials, for sustainable interior design. We're an Australian-owned company with a strong focus on providing ethically sourced building products that enable architects and designers to 'Specify Responsibly'.

Since our inception under the Gunnersen brand more than 140 years ago, we've been a major player in the building industry, providing excellent service, and supplying materials for building and interior design. Currently located in all major Australian capital cities including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide, as well as Cairns and Townsville. 

We're immensely proud of our history and now even more excited about our future direction, enabling architects and designers to build a sustainable future. Our mission is to source and supply best-in-class materials that empower specifiers to achieve their sustainability goals.