Emily ST28 1800mm Built-in Stone Bath


Enjoy the soft, cool touch of stone with the built-in range from Toka Lite. The Emily ST180 1800 built-in also comes in a semi-built in design, the Emma ST28-SBI 1800mm.

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    Drop In Baths
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About the

Stonebaths are the industry leaders in the manufacture and supply of solid surface and composite stone baths and basins throughout New Zealand and Australia. 

Since 2004 our extensive range of over 200 styles of baths and 400 basins have made us the industry choice for architects, residential and commercial developers, builders and leading plumbing merchants throughout Australasia.

In 2021 Stonebaths expanded further into the architectural and commercial design sector, supplying product to developments ranging from multi-dwelling residential projects to remote, luxury cabins and many architectural homes in between. 

Our innovative and resourceful logistics team team work closely with our manufacturing facilities to ensure our supply chain has remained efficient and timely throughout the past two years. This has enabled our clients' projects to continue, even during the most difficult of periods. 

Contact us prior to your client selecting products or at project specification for a personalised presentation of baths and basins.

Emily ST28 1800mm Built-in Stone BathStonebaths