Tilt doors are available in a range of custom sizes to meet your needs.

Options between Steel welded frame, aluminium welded frame or folded sheet iron panel construction.

Cladding options range from sheet corrugated iron to rusticated cedar ship lap boards and more.

Minimal installation clearances required – able to fit where most other garage doors will not.
Manual or motorized options.

  • Category
    Garage Doors
  • Range
    Residential Garage Doors
Specs / Details

Anything from 2.0H x 2.0W to 3.0H x 6.0W

Glideaway Garage Door Systems
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About the

Glideaway ‘The Door Specialists’

Glideaway have been involved in the door industry for over 35 years offering residential, commercial and industrial door systems throughout New Zealand. Glideaway’s wealth of knowledge and expertise gives us The Edge when it comes to specialist door systems. Glideaway manufacture, import, supply and Install doors systems for any application big or small, simple or complicated.

Glideaway are offering New Zealander’s world class door products which are either manufactured here in New Zealand or sourced from overseas from world leading door manufactures and designers. Glideaway have built and are still building great relationships with many World class door manufacturers. Glideaway can offer you a full package from door design to door installation. Glideaway’s goal is to provide you with the Best Door system best suited for Your application.

Our Vision: To be New Zealand’s preferred supplier and manufacturer of specialist door systems for Residential, Commercial & Industrial applications.

Our Mission: Glideaway Doors consists of a team of positive individuals who work in continual pursuit of our visionary goal.

We are in the business of manufacturing and importing Specialist door systems for the residential and commercial market throughout New Zealand & Australia.

We believe that excellent customer service is the only standard and we will continually strive for efficiency with in our operation so that our service advantage is never compromised.

Glideaway Garage Door Systems
Glideaway Tilt DoorsGlideaway Garage Door Systems