Bringing modern contemporary to any room in the house. Made to measure mirrors with an ultra slim (3mm wide and 20mm deep) black, white or custom powder coated stainless steel frame. A range of colours and finishes are available (to match or compliment other items in the room). For a slimmer 'hairline' border, we can make the mirror with a painted edge and do away with a frame altogether. Can be glued to the wall or hung on stand-off clips.

Fixing Options

Haynes installers can either glue the mirrors straight to the wall, attach them with holes and screws covered by chrome domes or on stand off clips (gives the mirror a floating appearance). If you are installing the mirrors yourself, we can sell you the correct tools and provide installation advice

Shapes and Sizes

Most mirror shapes can be cut (to template) but any larger holes, notches and cutouts will weaken the glass. Especially if cutouts are near the edge. Mirrors can be made to any size up to 3.6 x 2.4 metres. Keep in mind the handling and accessibility as the mirrors get larger. We need to ensure that the mirror safely fits inside doorways or if it fits up stairways.

Optional Extras

We can attach mirror demisters (largest size - 900mm x 500mm) to the mirror prior to installation. These require pre-wiring by an electrician for power. A vinyl backing can be applied to our mirrors and holds most of the larger shards of the mirror together in the case of a breakage. This is advised in the case of large mirrors (especially those with cut-outs).

  • Category
    Bathroom Mirrors
  • Range
  • Brand
    Haynes Glass
  • Warranty
    3 years
  • Extras
  • Shape
    • Rectangular
    • Round
    • Oval
  • Orientation

Slimline Frame: 3mm wide and 20mm deep 

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About the

We view every Kiwi home as a special investment warranting attention to detail in all construction elements and finishings. It's more than just glazing to fit a purpose. It's about adding value.

Specialists in commercial and residential glazing projects. Sound advice and years of experience installing balustrades, pool fencing, showers, mirrors and splashbacks to the Greater Auckland region. We work closely with architects, builders, homeowners, renovators and commercial fit-out operators. We are your go-to, can-do Kiwi family glass business!

100% NZ owned and operated. Ensuring pride, care and quality service.


Haynes Glass
Custom Slimline Frame MirrorsHaynes Glass