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Port Douglas

Stuart Frost

Alalia is an exploration of tropical living over a blank canvas, a large piece of vacant land.  Its core approach considers the range of places created both internally and externally for use at different times of the day under variable weather conditions. A subtle recognition that the landscape becomes of equal if not greater importance than the built form brings value to this project.

The idea of the house is but one layer of the framework.  Integrated with it is the landscape and the relationship between the two would collectively measure the success or failure of the experience. In considering that the physical relationship between inside and out becomes blurred, a range of questions can be asked in the program.  We asked the Client and ourselves a range of basic questions about how they might live in this climate and to what extent could they engage with the climate which helped to inform the design response.

Wolveridge Architects
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Alalia Port Douglas
Alalia Port Douglas
Alalia Port Douglas
Alalia Port Douglas
Alalia Port Douglas
Alalia Port Douglas
Alalia Port Douglas

Professionals used in
Alalia Port Douglas

About the

Wolveridge Architects is a medium sized, internationally recognised architectural studio based in Collingwood.