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NZIA Award Jury’s Citation (Commercial Building): “This building illustrates how, through the modulation and scale of the facade elements, a degraded stretch of Karamu Road in Hastings can be improved. Aon revives the street edge through contrasting horizontal and vertical elements – glazing interspersed with off-form concrete walls – that contribute towards a vibrant and environmentally responsive design. The visual mass of the building has been diminished by the set back of the upper floor, while vertical louvres provide a consistent rhythm across the façade. The entire design concept re-claims the street and provides an inviting space for the company’s staff and the wider community.”

NZIA Award Jury’s Citation (Interior): “The overwhelmingly positive staff reaction to their new work environment speaks volumes of the success of this interior project. Confident and vibrant, the design benefits from consistent detailing across both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ fitout elements. The result is a cohesive and complete interior experience. The architect has succeeded admirably with a varied material palette that includes vibrant hexagonal coloured pads, various timbers, and soft furnishings that bring warmth and texture. Well-crafted details, such as interior window projections and faceted timber panels, lift the entire experience well above the prosaic and contribute to a warm, rich and humanly scaled workplace.”

Extra Mile Consulting
Hawke's Bay
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Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building
Aon Building

About the

We are an independent structural engineering practice established in 2013 with our studio based in the sunny Hawke's Bay.

We pride ourselves in providing structural engineering design services locally, across New Zealand and internationally.  We put emphasis on delivering well considered and innovative, yet economical and easy to implement designs.

We have the knowledge and experience with numerous building materials and construction techniques, varying from very traditional to cutting edge innovation which allows us to consider the right components, whatever your project might be.

Through our creative vision, we provide customers a personalised, cost-effective and sustainable solution that will be in ad equation with the complexity or scale of the undertaking. 

Our design approach is reflected in a broad portfolio of successful projects. 

More information about us, our design approach and project portfolio is included in other sections of this website. 

We are always on the outlook for new challenges, so if you would like to discuss your project with us please feel free to give us a call or visit us at our studio. Our friendly team will be pleased to discuss options with you and provide a free no obligation quote for our services.

“At ExtraMile Consulting, we love to create innovative solutions and structures that function wonderfully together.”