Ballantyne Street banner

The client’s brief was for a sustainable home that they intend on living in forever. The design was approached in this context; to be no bigger than required and enduring. This resonated strongly with our practice; every decision weighs up cost, longevity and environmental impact.

Located in Melbourne’s Thornbury, the connection was a theme that encompassed planning and detail. A new informal side entry brings inhabitants and friends directly into the kitchen from the street. The living area joins the parents and kids zones. The expanse of glazing and detailing mitigates the distinction between indoors and out.

Exposed composite timber columns and beams form the structure, unifying decorative elements and planning devices. The frames are integrated with joinery and relate to the furniture layout. They span from the street, across rooms and outdoor spaces; creating connection.

Photography: Willem-Dirk du Toit

Foomann Architects
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Ballantyne Walkthrough
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street
Ballantyne Street

Professionals used in
Ballantyne Street

About the

Jo Foong and Jamie Sormann established Foomann in 2008. Our architecture practice is devoted to the realisation of beautifully simple, sensitive spaces. 

Located in the centre of Melbourne; we have projects across Victoria in residential, interior, hospitality, retail and multi-res fields with varied budgets. Utility, context and sustainability underpin our approach. 

We encourage collaboration and embrace ideas from aligned clients, building professionals and craftspeople. We immerse ourselves in every project and work towards inspired outcomes that elevate the experience of everyday life.

Jo is a certified Passive House Designer, an Examiner for the Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV) and a member of the Australian Institute of Architects

Jamie is the current chairperson of the ArchiTeam Board of Directors

Carbon Neutral
Foomann runs as a Carbon Neutral practice as assessed by Pangolin Associates