Benson Rd Residence banner

This stately home had been the recipient of a number of renovations that had aimed to connect rooms to each other but the result was a home with lots of narrow corridors, living spaces facing the wrong way and lots of doors. This spatial layout didn’t work for our client, who with a busy family of 5 wanted to create spaces that were open and inviting but also connected to areas where adults and teenagers could retreat easily.

Having worked with his client before we understood how we could work with them to push boundaries and in doing so creating favourite features and spaces including the herringbone tiled wall in the living room and a dedicated, glamorous bar alongside the kitchen and dining area. The result is a glamorous and sophisticated interiors that reflects the clients completely.

Photography: Hannah Richards

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About the
Professional's ethos is that design is more than just pure creativity - it is considered, functional, and precise, as well as beautiful. We create spaces to live in, not just to admire, and our clients are at the centre of this process. was launched in 2019 by Alex McLeod and Tomi Williams. Working alongside each other as friends and colleagues for 8 years, we have realised the greatness of two minds over one, when creating beautiful spaces that work and matter for our clients. Combining forces was an opportunity for us to grow and continue to provide well-considered and debated design solutions. Or simply put; more depth, more capacity, more creativity and double the passion, for every project we touch." 

Our experience designing interior spaces for large-scale renovations, new builds and commercial spaces spans over 20 years. Our growing team includes Kirsty Coultier (Studio Project Manager), Tori Gibbs and Victoria Gaylard (Project Support and CAD team).