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Bo Concept Cafe

Problem – Develop a viable café extension to the existing Bo Concept building that was highly visible but where space was short.

Solution – Obtain air rights and extend into the road reserve in a manner that didn’t compromise road usage. RMS understood the issues, worked with Jasmax architects, and facilitated all approvals, including air space rights.

Benefits – A visible café using space that could otherwise not have been used.

About the

Managing Resource Consents + Town Planning

Resource Management Solutions Limited (RMS) is a resource consenting, town planning and resource management consultancy based in Auckland, New Zealand. For over 21 years we have been obtaining resource consents for clients across a broad spectrum of development types throughout New Zealand.  

We manage resource consents from project inception to successful completion with our achievements speaking for themselves — exceeding a 98% success rate since 1996 with all but a few projects consented without notification. That is an achievement that we are extremely proud of in an RMA environment filled with uncertainty and one that reflects skills and experience developed over many years. It is this expertise and experience that we offer you.

We also undertake development due diligence, and represent and advise clients on all development related RMA planning matters.

Resource Management Solutions
Resource Management Solutions
