Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay

By Studio Ilk

Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay banner

A returning client engaged us to design the entire building, the emphasis of the design was the Hill Street Store on the ground floor and the building had to be visually consistent with the Hill Street brand, however the building also houses a medical centre, which couldn’t be ignored. The ‘instinctive’ relationship we have with this client allowed us the scope to design the Hill Street Store with an aesthetic we considered appropriate for the customer demographic whilst consistent with the brand. Working as team with the client, project manager and builder, we were able to deliver the entire completed project within a ten-month construction time frame and on budget.

The fit-out of the store deliberately projects a European market feel, reflecting the origins of the client group. The detailing refers to the 1950’s and the use of organic materials ensures a patina developed over time.

Post occupancy feedback has confirmed the popularity of the Store due not only to its retail offerings, but also to the manner in which customers are able to interact whilst there.

Photographer: Adam Gibson

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Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay
Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay
Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay
Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay
Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay
Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay

Professionals used in
Boutique Grocer Sandy Bay

About the

Studio Ilk takes an inclusive and collaborative approach to design. We listen deeply to produce truly unique responses to each project, site and client. Adapting not only to the intricacies of each new site, but also seeking to understand the people behind the brief.

We continually evolve the way we work, informed by people, place and the greater societal context in which we practice, always seeking to respect and foster local values and craftsmanship, so that the result is functional and enduring solutions that enrich daily life for our clients, whether residential or commercial.