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Art collector and gardener's retreat   

MOSAIC Garden Design
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Paved pathway set into gravel chip and CorTen steel garden edging looking toward fountain. Planting includes Ajuga reptans, Buxus 'green gem' and Choisya ternata 'sundance'. Wire balls surround the pond.
Late summer garden with roses and catmint in foreground and Wedding day rose climbing through the silver weeping pear tree.
Paving set into gravel with bench seating
Garden seat with trellis fence and paved pathway to birch tree garden
Pathway edged in CorTen steel surrounded by white roses and blue Ajuga reptans, Buxus hedging and Choisya ternata 'sundance'
Stone mosaic set in CorTen steel surrounded by seat and iris garden

About the

Mosaic Garden Design is an award winning landscape design company based in Wellington. We specialise in creating beautiful, timeless outdoor spaces with unique features that give them a contemporary edge.  

In addition, we design bespoke garden features such as gates, pergolas, water features, furniture, tree pleaching frames and wirework for growing plants. Designing in stainless and CorTen steel is a speciality.

We offer a professional, friendly and client-centred service from garden consultations through to full-scale plans for planting or hard landscaping. 

Our awards include Gold medals from international flower shows here and overseas. Visit out website for further details.