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Cameron - Buckley House


Two distinct stages – first came the home and then the tower addition.

From his office in London, our client dreamed of that little building we all cherish - the kiwi bach.
This modern, unique home located in Tapuae, just outside of New Plymouth, captures a relaxed rhythm of occupation during holiday time.

This is a two bedroom residence which offers open plan living with transparency to the environment and the offer of outdoor living in Taranaki’s changeable climatic conditions.

Materials were chosen to embody the coastal character. The large expanse of glass inhabits the inspiring coastal view. The use of polished steel around the fireplace offers refinement to the interior, while its counterpoint of ‘rusted’ steel to the entry door and courtyard fence epitomise the rugged conditions of the New Zealand coast. Random depth and width cedar weatherboards transition from exterior to interior to provide a warmth synonymous with family holidays and coastal living.

Sustainable design principles included: use of natural light and ventilation; passive solar gain through exposed concrete floor slabs, and orientation of the building and north facing canopy to maximize solar gain during winter and shade over summer.

Photographer: Sandra Henderson

About the

From architecture, landscape and urban design, to brand and way-finding + event and site experience, BOON are design thinkers, problem solvers and project managers working throughout New Zealand and beyond. 

BOON has been in business for over 45 years. Throughout this time our diverse project portfolio has been driven by taking on projects to make better communities.

