We obtained non-notified resource consent for the redevelopment and repurposing of the historic (former) Clark Boarding House, a Category A* Historic Heritage building, which had been vacant for a number of years.
The proposal involved remediation and seismic strengthening of the existing heritage building, and the construction of an additional building wing for the building to be repurposed as a childcare centre.
The prominent corner site, site boundaries, and existing features presented some challenges for the redevelopment, however, non-notified consent was obtained. The high-quality building design of the new wing responds sympathetically to the existing built heritage values of the Clark Boarding House, with the modern addition being distinguished, but compatible with the existing heritage building’s fabric. Carefully considered landscaping elements, including hardscaping, also contribute to the high-quality outcome.
The successful redevelopment of the building ensures the heritage values of the Clark Boarding House will be maintained into the future, while providing an attractive site for the childcare facility.
Services we provided
• Obtaining non-notified resource consent
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