Cliff House banner

Clad in limestone, Cliff House responds to the surrounding landscape taking cues from the coastal hues synonymous with the site's direct proximity to port Phillip bay. Both Architecture and Interior design blend seamlessly by way of materiality and restrained geometry. Resulting in a highly considered and restrained coastal beach house. ​

Project credits

Landscape Design: Lisa Ellis

Render: Afterglow

Builder: DWC Construction

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Finnis Architecture & Interiors
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Cliff House; Not Your Average Beach House
Cliff House; Not Your Average Beach House
Cliff House; Not Your Average Beach House
Cliff House; Not Your Average Beach House
Cliff House; Not Your Average Beach House

Professionals used in
Cliff House

About the

Finnis is an award-winning Melbourne architecture firm recognised as a true leader in the field of residential, multi-residential, and community architecture.

Finnis also has received many prestigious design awards and In 2011, Finnis received an A+ rating, the highest honour given to any firm, from the Australian Institute of Architects.

Combining over 50 years of experience working in the architecture and building industry, the quality of work that Finnis creates stems from an integrated approach embracing architecture and interior design, landscaping, site works, and detail design. In a broader context, the firm’s success originates from its proven ability to manage and build relationships with clients/consultants and related authorities necessary to bring each design to reality.

At Finnis, we are extremely proud of the relationships and work that we have done with developers who continue to enhance the design, living, and built form in the public realm. Our experience has aided us in reducing time spent in planning whilst maximizing yield and loss of wasted space.

Finnis is also regularly featured in both local and international design publications.