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Coventry St Apartments

321 Coventry Street is a 400sqm multi-residential project with commercial space on the ground floor and a penthouse terrace facing the much-loved heritage listed South Melbourne Market. The tight corner building aims to re-interpret the brick-cladded warehouse buildings that predominate in the area with a contemporary expression. The concept for the project centralizes around the idea of Give and Take – while respectfully speaking to its heritage neighbours, the new infill development does not seek to replicate the heritage built form around it; the second layer of hit and miss brickworks takes on the introverted approach to give the building residents a visual and acoustic screening to the hustle and bustle of the street.

Photography: Chris Murray

Architects EAT
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Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray
Photography: Chris Murray

Professionals used in
Coventry Street Apartments

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The places we design play host to the scope of human existence in all of its beautiful, messy and extraordinary glory.