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DNA House, Waikato

Owning a bach isn’t just a dream in New Zealand, it’s part of our DNA. The same can be said of this award-winning multi-storey holiday home that features gorgeous timber framing, stunning sea views and a number of beautifully integrated, if not quirky features that make it wholly unique.

The Brief:
DNA House was to be a highly unique property with a deep connection to its owners. Their New York background was incorporated into the aesthetic, with practical features of the bach complementing their travelling lifestyle. Plus, the building was designed to make great use of its rural surrounds - it is absolutely covered in glass, with huge expanses offering occupants near-uninterrupted views of the water.

The Project:
Designed by Crosson Architects, built by Percival Construction, and with windows and doors by Altus Window Systems Fabricator; Fisher Windows Waikato, this stylish bach was destined for success right from the start.

Coming up the driveway you’ll notice at once its character - the building stands on a number of high stilts which give it an almost floating, otherworldly look.

The main floor is wrapped in large bifold metal screens, which were a project unto themselves, led by the Altus Industrial Aluminium team and consisted of sheet aluminium punched with what at first appear to be random perforations, but which are actually the coded DNA sequence of the home’s owners, stacked to resemble Manhattan skyscrapers.

The panels are for more than just aesthetics; they offer weather protection for when the owners are away and privacy when there. When desired, they fold away to reveal DNA House’s extraordinary use of glass and breathtaking views for the occupants.

On top of these features, this seaside haven has a number of unique extras - perhaps the best example of this is the rope ladder and floor hatch that joins the first floor to the outside. It’s no wonder, then, why this bach took home the Gold, National Craftsmanship, Special and Gold Reserve awards at the 2018 Registered Master Builders House of the Year awards.

The Build
Due to the high level of detail requested by the owners, when it came to the windows and doors, Fisher Windows Waikato was recommended to ensure the architect’s dream could be practically achieved,

The designs called for large window spans, which brought with them concerns about strength. Shop drawings were completed by the Altus Window Systems Technical team and given to the builder, then Percival Construction and the Fisher Windows team worked in sync to get the job done as efficiently as possible - despite the property being in a tricky rural location.

The Pacific Architectural system was used throughout the property. This system is specially designed for applications like DNA House; not only is it stylish, but it can accommodate the extra strength required for large-span windows and doors in coastal settings.

The main bedroom and open-plan kitchen/living room areas use EuroStacker™ doors. The bathroom and second bedroom feature Euroslider™ doors, with an additional sliding door of the same frame used as an extra door in the main bedroom. In addition, louvre windows were used in the bedrooms for added ventilation.

Each of these units is double glazed, but their height and width are what makes them particularly impressive. The kitchen biparting EuroStacker™ is over 6 metres wide, opening onto a striking timber deck with glass railing that looks out over the ocean. Additionally, all of the main windows and doors are over 2.5 metres tall, so even with the house closed up tight there are expansive views everywhere you look.

The Outcome
The classic Kiwi bach might conjure images of a timber box from the 1970s, but DNA House proves that with a creative architect, detailed plan and a team that can work in complete tandem, even the humble bach can be an architectural marvel.

Location - Coromandel Peninsula.
Architect/ Designer - Crosson Architects
Industry Sector - Residential
Systems - Pacific Architectural
Products - Euroslider™ doors, standard and biparting Eurostacker™ doors, angled Celestial Windows, Louvre Windows
Fabricator - Fisher Windows Waikato

About the

Fisher® is New Zealand's oldest and most trusted brand of joinery. Fisher® offers products that are strong and reliable, so when consumers purchase Fisher® they know they are getting a quality product that is backed by superior knowledge and after-sales service that has been developed over the past 60+ years.

Fisher® Windows and doors are designed to make the most of what comes naturally, seeking to make the best use of light and the natural environment, while also providing the practical benefits of lower maintenance, longer life and better security.

Although classic in approach, Fisher has also kept pace with the times and has introduced design innovations that are known for their strength, smooth function, stunning beauty and modern engineering.

We're experts in windows and doors and a licensed fabricator of Altus Window Systems. 

Talk to us about providing cost-effective and practical design solutions for your next project.

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