Dr Felicity Park Rooms banner


New Lambton Heights, NSW


Health, Workplace, Interiors

The Team:

Architect: Leigh Richardson, Dylan Try
Builder: Skelcon


Josh Hogan

Space Design Architecture
New South Wales
Get in touch
Dr Felicity Park Rooms
Dr Felicity Park Rooms
Dr Felicity Park Rooms
Dr Felicity Park Rooms
Dr Felicity Park Rooms
Dr Felicity Park Rooms
Dr Felicity Park Rooms
Dr Felicity Park Rooms

Professionals used in
Dr Felicity Park Rooms

About the

As a team of architects, designers and project managers with local knowledge and international experience, we are constantly putting our skills to the test to create outstanding design solutions for our clients across the multi-residential, workplace, education, health, retail, community, residential, industrial and hospitality sectors.

Architecture is expressive, innovative and creative, but it’s also about solving problems and overcoming limits. Our team challenge the status quo, elevate clients’ missions, and seek to measurably improve lives and communities.