Exmouth Street, Eden Terrace banner

Exmouth Street, Eden Terrace

A non-notified resource consent was achieved for the comprehensive redevelopment of this city-fringe site that was used as a vacant parking lot for a number of years.

The development will provide for a bespoke 136 room ‘micro-hotel’ comprising a seven-storey commercial building within the mixed use zone, with a restaurant/bar on the ground floor that provides outdoor seating to Newton Road and Exmouth Street. The site presented a number of challenges including a maximum height infringement and close proximity to a protected volcanic viewshaft, as well as groundwater and historical contamination issues. The building presents a strong architectural statement in its location, and will greatly enhance the existing amenity of Newton Road and the service industry within the immediate area.

Exmouth Street, Eden Terrace

About the

As planning and resource management specialists, we’re here to take the stress and hassle out of your planning project. We offer a range of services based on due diligence, risk identification and scenario planning. 

We are known and trusted by clients and councils throughout New Zealand for our strategic, independent and impartial advice. While the majority of our work is in Auckland, we also work around the country – we’ve completed projects from the subantarctic islands in the south, to Kaitaia in the north, and everywhere in between. Our mission is to make a significant contribution to the development of great cities and great environments through quality advice and innovation. 

Campbell Brown
Campbell Brown

Master Planners