Flowerpot banner

A family from New South Wales retreating to southern Tasmania engaged us to design their home on a site with water views to the south and mountain views to the north.

The brief was for a building that was to appear like a natural extension of the landscape with a sense of solidity and stability.

We designed a home of two offset forms on two levels, focussing on views and solar orientation with a direct connection to the exterior on both levels.
A desire to simplify the material palette allowed the form and details to speak for themselves. Unfussy in many ways, but striking and bold in approach and finish.

Photography: Studio Ilk

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Studio Ilk takes an inclusive and collaborative approach to design. We listen deeply to produce truly unique responses to each project, site and client. Adapting not only to the intricacies of each new site, but also seeking to understand the people behind the brief.

We continually evolve the way we work, informed by people, place and the greater societal context in which we practice, always seeking to respect and foster local values and craftsmanship, so that the result is functional and enduring solutions that enrich daily life for our clients, whether residential or commercial.