Geotech - Riverhead Tavern, Riverhead banner

Geotech - Riverhead Tavern, Riverhead

This historic and popular tavern is positioned at the top of a large riverbank that rises several meters above the tidal estuary below. With the opening of a new function centre only days away, a substantial slip threatened not only the celebrations, but the structure itself. 

EDC’s experienced geotech team swung into action and within 24hrs were presenting a solid, tied-back timber wall design recommendation. The geotech design and build plan also had to consider and resolve another key issue - how to gain access from above, rather than from below which would have been both complex and therefore costly.

EDC’s established and mutually respected relationship with the Auckland City Council meant the design plan was quickly approved and put into action.

Although access and time frames proved challenging, construction of the retraining wall, like the Tavern’s first function, went smoothly and without hitch.

Geotech - Riverhead Tavern, Riverhead
Geotech - Riverhead Tavern, Riverhead

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Engineering Design Consultants
Engineering Design Consultants
