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Project 349 – Wairarapa

Nestled into the surrounding treescape, the environment in which this house sits was the guiding principle behind the design. Sitting quietly and not shouting, this new house in Wairarapa is modern and minimalist in style, with an industrial edge.

The exterior cladding is a combination of vertical shiplap cedar and cast concrete which creates contrasting forms, adding texture and interest to the dwelling. The garage block is clad in black, back painted glass, which provides a highly intricate surface that beautifully reflects the surrounding greenery.

The rooms are positioned in relation to both sun and shade, keeping the interior cool in summer yet allowing lots of light and warmth during the winter months.

Upon opening the large front door, the entire rear of the section is revealed through the glass facade, immediately providing an intimate connection with the outside space. Turning further into the dwelling, you are then enveloped within the intricate interior as you are guided past the bedrooms and step down slightly to the light, open, shared spaces.

This lower floor level and multiple openings to the garden further enhance the connection to the outdoors. Carefully considered placement of windows and doors ensure that only the most appealing compositions of trees and greenery are captured; while the harsh summer sun, and less desirable views of neighbouring structures are mitigated.

The result is the perfect balance between private seclusion, whilst still giving the feeling of being outside amongst the trees.

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Project 349, Wairarapa

Professionals used in
 Greytown | Wairarapa

About the

James Mackie is an architectural designer, predominantly (but not exclusively) servicing the Wellington/Wairarapa region out of his busy Greytown design office. He founded his company Mackit Architecture in 2008, with a goal to fill the niche for bespoke modern homes that can be built efficiently and precisely. 

Being a registered designer with Architectural Designers New Zealand and a Licensed Building Practitioner in both design and carpentry, James has a unique edge when it comes to designing homes for discerning clients. Through the application of both his building and design knowledge, he can bridge the gap between complex high-level design and the practical reality of its construction. 
Inspired by the effect the built environment has on one’s self, James loves opportunities to enrich existence by creating high quality, beautifully designed spaces. Crucially, James’ incredible building knowledge also means that his plans are always expertly detailed and thought out – essentially he has already built the house in his head during the design process. 

Meticulous by nature, James keeps his hand in the construction industry through his own in-house projects, and finds the odd afternoon on the tools a great way to recharge and break through any creative blocks. This also enables him to establish and maintain extensive connections and an inside knowledge of the building industry. Clients find these connections hugely beneficial during the process of selecting a builder, which Mackit offers as part of their full construction observation services.